Policy for E-Governance
Based on the Government of India Act on Information Technology the college is gradually moving on to offering the services electronically to the extent possible. By the year 2025 the campus is aimed to have complete digitization, thereby increasing the accountability, transparency and efficiency in delivery of services.
Need for E-Governance
a. Anytime anywhere access and dissemination of information to the Students and staff through the internet.
b. To improve productivity and efficiency of the Institution in delivery of services.
The College will develop the automation system using the in-house resources or use third party services. In the case of third party, the College will put in place 'Cloud Infrastructure' so as to enable speedy, efficient, cost effective deployment, scaling-up and sharing of resources. Also, the third party will be bound to manage the disaster recovery of data in the cloud. Any new application developed shall also be compatible with Cloud environment.
The College would maintain increased bandwidth to enable all E-Governance IT applications to function effectively and provide services in an efficient manner. The campus is Wi-Fi enabled and allows 500 users to access simultaneously.
Timely instructions and training would be provided to the staff both teaching and non-teaching and students after deployment.
Fee Payment using Payment Gateway is established so as to enable payment transactions online.
The college recognizes the need for utilizing the mobile mode of enabling easier access to services that would benefit the stake holders.
The roll out of the e-Services would be done in a phased manner and it would facilitate information availability, online submission of forms, online processing and payments, online verification, online status tracking and online availability of services to all stakeholders of the College.
The necessary hardware and software to access the services will be provided in the campus at all times.
The college website shall be leveraged to increase the awareness on the delivery of services to students
Institution in its march towards e-Governance will become self-reliant.